Advertise on Pinterest

Pinterest is the third largest social network and the fourth largest source of referral traffic according to reports published by shareaholic. Pinterest is experiencing an exponential growth even more than that achieved by Facebook or Twitter at this stage. Most importantly studies have revealed that although Facebook is still the largest source of referral traffic, yet people referred by Pinterest are more likely to buy online. As such Pinterest is a gold mine for brands, advertisers and online marketers. It provides a platform for advertisers to connect to millions of potential customers.

So where is the problem? Well the problem is that Pinterest doesnot have a advertisement platform of it's own yet. Brands donot have a medium to effectively reach out to Pinterest users apart from those who already follow their boards. Advertisers have to rely on users following them to repin their pins go get more visibility and reach. They have to increase their number of followers, which is a big task in itself.

Viraliti - the Pinterest ad network

This is where Viraliti comes into the picture. Viraliti is the first pay per click advertisement network on Pinterest. You can create a visually appealing ad campaign on Pineterest in no time and specify your target audience in terms on country and interests. Once you have set you maximum cpc and budget for the campaign and approved on Viraliti, it becomes visible to thousand of influential Pineterst users registered with us. If they like your campaign, they will pin this image on their own boards thus giving your brand more visibility and making it go viral.

As an advertiser, you only pay for valid clicks and our advanced fraud detection mechanism detects fraudulent clicks easily. Anytime the campaign image is repined, you get more traffic and your brand get word of mouth publicity at no extra cost.

Unlike other traditional ad networks where you have to bid for your keywords which are often very expensive to get relevant traffic, on Viraliti you set your own cost per click. If the Pinterest users like your content, they will pin it on their relevant boards as they are also always in search of great content to show off on their profile. Thus Viraliti is a cost effective way to drive traffic to your website and expand your business. If you are convinced, go ahead and create your first Pinterest advertisement campaign, if not feel free to get in touch to clarify your doubt.